Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is going "back to the start" really a good idea?

I have noticed it becoming more and more common to hear people express their opinion about current farming practices and suggest that we go back to "the way things used to be." To be quite honest, I completely understand where they are coming from. In today's world, technology is everywhere. It can become overwhelming and frustrating at times. Having said that, I do not agree with the statement that farming practices should regress to where they were 50 years ago.
Here is a video created by a chain restaurant that promotes this idea:

First of all, I have to address some of the images shown in this video. They depict animals roaming around freely as their ideal farming operation… besides the numerous parasites that the animals are exposed to rooting around in the soil; the idea of animals roaming around freely is entirely unrealistic! From my own experience, if people driving by my farm notice cows that have gotten out of their fenced in area, sheer panic ensues. First they call the police (as if they would have any training on how to herd the escapee’s back into their pen), and then we usually get a knock on our door and are greeted by the concerned citizen. I just don’t see the public being ok with farm animals roaming about as they please. I would also like to point out that producing animals in confinement protects the animals from harsh weather, predators, competition among the group and exposure to parasites that can cause disease or illness. This video depicts it as a negative practice when, in fact, it has a lot of positive factors.

As far as the general message of “going back to the start,” is that really what you should be asking for? While technology on the farm can be overwhelming both for the operator and the consumer observing the ever-changing practices on a farm, the benefits that it offers far outweigh any frustrations it may cause. The advanced technology that is available to farmers allows them to produce a safer product and more of it. As Americans, we have access to one of the safest food supplies in the world. This is often something that we take for granted because many of us have never had to worry about the food we buy exposing us to diseases or other illnesses caused by contaminated food.

Not only does this technology allow for a safer food product, but more of it! 50 years ago, one American farmer fed approximately 25 people. Today, that number has increased to 155! Another thing most of us as Americans have never had to worry about was having enough food to feed our families. America has an abundant food supply, and that is thanks to our farmers and the technology they have had access to.

When people express their opinion of wanting farming practices to be like they were generations ago, I don’t think they realize the entire outcome of what exactly they are asking for. Sure, it might be more picturesque to some people, but are you really willing to give up your safe and abundant food supply?


  1. I totally agree with your very well-thought out arguments. Great response to a very one-sided and intentionally misleading commercial. I haven't eaten at Chipotle, but I can tell you that I certainly won't do so now! I think we should call a boycott of this particular restaurant and certainly this particular kind of attack on the industry that is the backbone of American prosperity, poorly disguised as an "only an advertisement" for a restaurant. Chipotle has certainly revealed its hidden agenda!

  2. Good commentary, Rosie. I would also add to the safety factor, the one of uniformity. By having larger scale indoor farms, we are able to provide consumers with a wholesome and uniform product. Otherwise, if we had an extensive number of small scale farms, each steak, pork chop or chicken wing would be markedly different than "normal".
